

This piece's title refers to an old Arabic carpet made in the 7th century BCE in the Near East and Mesopotamia. The word means "up and go," referring to constant travel, which is essential to some Arab world populations. Their value derives from the Bedouin culture and their way of living as nomads. They change their home from place to place, take their most valuable items, including fabrics, carpets, and tents, and set up wherever they may settle within the Arab world, treating their land as is across borders and spaces. This concept also ties to the Islamic tradition that allows Muslims to conduct their prayers anywhere they may be as long as they have what is referred to as a (praying carpet). Islam originated in the desert, with these traditions merging its geographical area's cultural and spiritual aspects. This piece is installed in the southern Jordanian desert as a tribute to that area's people, traditions, and spirituality.

-Aqaba, Jordan

-Metal - 2016 - 120”*88”*100”

PSX_20181129_144131 - Copy400.jpg

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